Faye in two coloured shibari by Nikki Kantaka & Simply Restraints
Stacy decorated in cuffs and clamps
Stacy (aka Stacie, Stacie Snow) in Extra Tension by Richard Perkins http://nakhym.deviantart.com
Calico enjoys bondage in her everyday life
Tiny Dawn by Jon Mann
Tiny Dawn 203, 109, 112, 119, 102 & 202 by Jon Mann
Niki Lee Young by Jon Mann I
Niki Lee Young by Jon Mann http://jonmann.deviantart.com
Minimal rigging, gorgeous slave
By Pierre B http://pierrebphotographe.deviantart.com
Mitsu: the still life of a “normal” kitchen against the beauty of the bound woman
Mitsu Bound Against A Wall In Color by JC http://stark-arts.blogspot.com
Luna Vary and Sister Dee: two of the best models and switches in the world
Luna Vary & Sister Dee by JC http://stark-arts.tumblr.com
This is Rachel Greyhound’s actual bed. She is put to bed here almost nightly, other times she gets to sleep in the cage. Only when she is a very obedient… does she get the privilege of sleeping in her Owner’s bed.
Rachel Greyhound: wall display
Rachel Greyhound: Any squatting position is considered predicament because of how quickly it gets very hard to maintain
Claire Adams in Grand Canyon
No mattress
We would love to find a female that would be submissive to both of us
Claudia Price: Whoops! Looks like Master has gotten overzealous in teaching her she isn’t allowed to wear clothes
Claudia Price http://new-kink-republic.tumblr.com