Ivy Breann in Ivy: Naked Outdoor Slave Labor, Part 1
Category Archives: CUFFED Handcuffed Legcuffed
Slave Pa humiliation
Leona: FuckForForest (FFF)
Leona Johansson https://www.fuckforforest.com
Fuck for Forest (FFF) is a non-profit environmental organisation founded in 2004 in Norway by Leona Johansson and Tommy Hol Ellingsen. It funds itself through a website of sexually explicit videos and photographs, charging a membership fee for access. A portion of funds are donated to the cause of rescuing the world’s rainforests. It is the world’s first eco-porn organization and may be the only porn website specifically created to raise money for a cause. The group moved from Oslo, Norway to Berlin, Germany following the trial of its founders for having sex in public.(Wikipedia)
Stacy decorated in cuffs and clamps
Stacy (aka Stacie, Stacie Snow) in Extra Tension by Richard Perkins http://nakhym.deviantart.com
This is Rachel Greyhound’s actual bed. She is put to bed here almost nightly, other times she gets to sleep in the cage. Only when she is a very obedient… does she get the privilege of sleeping in her Owner’s bed.
Talk dirty to me bitch
Lia: termination room
Lia in Termination Room by Dan (Dani, Daniel) Fehr
Denny: cute in cuffs II
Denny (aka Charlie, Prima, Tracy, Zuzana Presova, Zuzka, Zuzka P) by CuteinCuffs
Denny: cute in cuffs I
Denny: art of constraint I
Denny: art of constraint II
Satin Bloom belted, cuffed to the pole
Jenni: cute in cuffs VII
Jenni (aka Jenni C, Jenni Czech, Jenni P) by CuteinCuffs
Jenni: cute in cuffs I
Jenni: cute in cuffs II
Jenni: cute in cuffs III
Jenni: cute in cuffs IV
Jenni: cute in cuffs V
Jenni: cute in cuffs VI
Jenni: art of constraint I
Jenni: art of constraint II
Jenni: cute in cuffs IV
Jenni (aka Jenni C, Jenni Czech, Jenni P) by CuteinCuffs
Jenni: cute in cuffs I
Jenni: cute in cuffs II
Jenni: cute in cuffs III
Jenni: cute in cuffs V
Jenni: cute in cuffs VI
Jenni: art of constraint I
Jenni: art of constraint II
Gin: balcony
Gin (aka ginny) in Be happy 2 & Balcony 5 http://andersv.deviantart.com
Michelle: art of constraint III
Michelle by ArtofConstraint & CuteinCuffs
Art of constraint VI
By ArtofConstraint & CuteinCuffs
The model is Anke (aka Alexa Doll, Brigitte, Gisele, Gisella, Giselle, Kayla, Kim, Michaela, Michaela Ka, Michaela Kap, Michaela Kaplan, Michaela Kaplanova, Michell, Michelle, Milla, mis004, Misa, Misha, Misha B, Selene, Selene B, Tera, Viera): the name used in ArtofConstraint has not been found.
Denny: art of constraint II
Denny (aka Charlie, Prima, Tracy, Zuzana Presova, Zuzka, Zuzka P) by ArtofConstraint
Denny: cute in cuffs I
Denny: cute in cuffs II
Denny: art of constraint I