Dany’s Punishment Night http://houseoftaboo.com
Category Archives: GAGGED Muzzled
Farm slave labor II: gagged
Farm slave labor II: gagged
Sybil Hawthorne and Tracy: decorative cage
Briella Jaden: spread by chains
Briella Jaden in spread by chains & well-secured by Master Andrew
By Xenkor http://wyredslave.tumblr.com
Juicy looking Dia Zerva is in stocks, gagged and strapped up during her first bondage stimulation
Ancilla Tilia accessorized
Ancilla Tilia accessorized
It’s a good way to keep April held down securely while driving over bumpy terrain though
Anoush Anou and Anne Duffy: the offering
Anoush Anou (masked) & Anne Duffy in The Offering & Vice by Ric
http://syboro.deviantart.com http://anoushanou.deviantart.com http://anneduffy.deviantart.com
Each lot has a different color
The training of Tawni Ryden I
Tawni Ryden (aka Rayna) in The Training of Tawni Ryden, Day One http://www.thetrainingofo.com http://www.kinkondemand.com
The training of Tawni Ryden II
Miami vice II
Gina Devine and Mia Manarote: breaking in her pet
Stock exchange
Stock exchange by David Samson http://davidsamson.deviantart.com