Melisa (aka Kristina, Kristina Uhrinova, Lexa, Melisa Mendini, Melisa U, Melissa)
Category Archives: CUFFED Handcuffed Legcuffed
Slave #106: house bitch, house work
Slave #106 in House Bitch-House Work 6.6 by Bitchslapped
Slave #106: enjoy watching naked slaves doing household domestic chores
Slave #106 in House Bitch-House Work 5.6 by Bitchslapped
Slave Na fulfils her tasks
Nyasia Sylvester: She is very happy
Nyasia Sylvester by Thomas Churchwell
Reasonably priced
Reasonably priced, Bow, Chained abandon by brutalhawk
Kept hairless and naked forced to display herself at special office parties
I serve my Master with pleasure
Aimee nude blues
Lucie: art of constraint
Lucie B by ArtofConstraint
Charlie, nice girl, ready to spank
Ivy Breann: evolution of a slave girl II
Ivy Breann in Evolution of A Slave Girl, Part 1
Ivy Breann: evolution of a slave girl I
Poor Sammie is handcuffed cruelly to a pillar
Jenni: cute in cuffs VI
Jenni (aka Jenni C, Jenni Czech, Jenni P) by CuteinCuffs
Jenni: cute in cuffs I
Jenni: cute in cuffs II
Jenni: cute in cuffs III
Jenni: cute in cuffs IV
Jenni: cute in cuffs V
Jenni: cute in cuffs VII
Jenni: art of constraint I
Jenni: art of constraint II