Category Archives: CUFFED Handcuffed Legcuffed

Slave #1 has since spent 3 years in service… and lives full time as a livestock III

Slave #1 in Catching Up 2:8 by Bitchslapped

Slave #1 has since spent 3 years in service… and lives full time as a livestock I
Slave #1 has since spent 3 years in service… and lives full time as a livestock II
Slave #1 has since spent 3 years in service… and lives full time as a livestock IV


Ariel Anderssen: Still collared, cuffed, leashed and wearing nipple clamp bells, she was made to lap up her wine from her silver dog-bowl on the floor while the rest of us sipped ours from our glasses

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Ariel Anderssen (aka Amelia Jane Rutherford, Ariel, Joceline, Joceline Brooke-Hamilton, Lucy) in Pet Part 4 – Feeding Time
