Category Archives: PET
Slave #102: Its obedience level has risen greatly so it is tested with some pet training
Slave #102 in Morning after II by Bitchslapped
Kelly Havel and Dahlia Grey: high heels garden
Slave #32: serving a male as a pet is something she feels comfortable with and admits something she would like to spend more time experiencing
Slave #32 (aka Babybell, Meatball) in Wag Your Tail Meatball 2:3 by Bitchslapped
Slave #1305: locked in an humiliating pig mask and left on the cold floor facing a mirror to see just how insignificant it looks
Slave #1305 in Pig Face by Bitchslapped
Slave #1311: fun to humiliate
Slave #1311 (aka Chloe Devine) by Bitchslapped
Kelly Havel, Dahlia Grey, Pamela Petrokova and Vicca: high heels
Edita kneeled down on the floor without being asked to do so
Edita S At a stone pit
Slave #76: It would be fun to humiliate
Mistress Ely & Slave #76 in This Weeks Intake The Footage 12:15 by Bitchslapped
Prize pooch or dumb mut
Prize Pooch or Dumb Mut by Bitchslapped
Chained by the neck
Chained By The Neck by Bitchslapped
Friendly pet
Chained to her kennel, puppy girl Ariel Anderssen basks in the sun
Good little doggie