1st photo: Evi B by Jan Vels http://guests.met-art.com
Evi C in A day nude at a lake http://www.nude-in-public.com/
Category Archives: **** PHOTOGRAPHER Film Director
Talented photographers and film directors have been added in each post, whenever available, and an index of all photographers has been created, just after the Country index and before the Model index.
Mizz Amanda Marie: his kept toy
Amanda Marie (aka Amanda M) in His Kept Toy … No. 3 by Brian Matthew Photography
http://brianmphotography.deviantart.com http://www.brianmatthewphotography.com
Jenni: dressed with ropes
Jenni (aka Jenni C, Jenni Czech, Jenni P) by Mailler http://interwovenimages.com
Sabina Casarova, Vendula Bednarova and Rena Riffel: Caligula’s Spawn 1
Chained girl in the desert
By Konstantin A. Dahlem http://www.konstantindahlem.com
Introducing her slave girlfriend
By Igor Vasiliadis http://www.igorvasiliadis.com
Claire and the Kantschu*
Claire and the Kantschu by K. Gray, StrictWorld
*Kantschu (Russian: nagyka, nagaika, or nagayka) is the German word for a short, thick whip with round cross-section used by Cossacks, borrowed from Nogai people, hence the original name “nogaika”, or “Nogai’s whip”.[1] It is also called “kamcha” from the Turkic word “kamci” for “whip”. The latter word is also used for short whips of Central Asian origin (Wikipedia).
Alexia: chained
Calico for play
Calico for Play & Calico, resigned by Lochai http://lochai.deviantart.com
Katka Henesova, Nikol Bogdanova and Lucie Oborna: Mistress of Souls
Trusting by TwinPhoto http://twinphoto.deviantart.com
Erin Sinclair on her knees looking up
Erin Sinclair http://www.kenmarcus.com
Angela: beauty bound
Angela F in Beauty Bound by Mark Leighty http://sydeline.deviantart.com