Niki Lee Young (aka Niki) in Good Bitch
Category Archives: COLLARED Leashed
Skin Diamond: Take pride in being a submissive
Skin Diamond
Tired of her husband, her revenge
Photo by Mika Tsuyuguchi
Pet in the stable
Pet in the Stable, Stable Door… & Lead and Collar by Paul
Unlock your dreams
Beautiful and nicely decorated
Slave #32 starjumps naked to room of sniggering crew
Slave #32 (aka Babybell, Meatball) in Slave 32 Training 7.9 by Bitchslapped
Slave #32 has one goal, do the best it can for the remaining few hours and not earn another beating
Slave #32 (aka Babybell, Meatball) in Training 8.9 by Bitchslapped
Hailey: cute in cuffs
Hailey (aka Renata Tomankova) by CuteinCuffs
Hailey: art of constraint I
Hailey: art of constraint II
Hailey: art of constraint III
Hailey: art of constraint IV
Hailey: art of constraint V
Slave #1 eats dogfood to cheer you all up
Slave #1 in Snowed In 1:3 by Bitchslapped
Slave #1: Hosed down for being filthy
Slave #1 in Hosed down for being filthy by Bitchslapped
Slave #22: exposed
Slave #22 in Exposed by Bitchslapped
Slave #106: This slut earns its keep cooking and cleaning and in return it gets to spend several days a week living like a dog. Crawling naked on the floor and begging for every scrap of food.
Slave #106 in Slut Puppy 1.3, 2.3 & 3.3 by Bitchslapped
Katja: Don’t move, don’t speak
Katja B (naked)
Slave #2: Trained to beg like a dog
Slave #2 in Trained to beg like a dog by Bitchslapped