Category Archives: HOUSE SLAVERY
Justine stripped nude and bent over for 16 with a springy rattan cane, wielded by long-suffering housemate Michaela McGowen
New resident Jane
Spank pass
Angelina: initiation ceremony
Images and thoughts that inspire
Chain bondage
Maki Hoshikawa: family bullying
Maki Hoshikawa
I knew I was going to pay for my sins, it was deserved …
My Master likes to show his guests how my training can be perfect
Melissa: She still has to learn to walk around with the metal serving tray strapped to her belly and neck
Randy is a bit rebelious at first, but through pleasure, punishment, humiliation and submission she learns her place…or rather, she learns the place she has always wanted to be…
Tania: art of constraint I
Tania (aka Lizzie Merova, Michaela Fictnerova, Michelle) by ArtofConstraint
Hailey: art of constraint IV
Hailey (aka Renata Tomankova) by ArtofConstraint
Hailey: art of constraint I
Hailey: art of constraint II
Hailey: art of constraint III
Hailey: art of constraint V
Hailey: cute in cuffs