Ponygirl Maria Exercising in the Fields
http://sirjeff.mirrors.bdsm.cz http://sirjeff.mechanicalmischief.com
All posts by admin
Early morning duties
By Angels-Bound
But what is in the dish? Nothing? You can’t keep a pet fed on imagination.
Japanese spanking
Hailey and Zoe softly comfort each other, visibly excited to feel the cold metal on their body
Forced exhibitionism
Two in a cage
The first night of the pet girl
By Amateurslave
Auction slave delivery
With an extremely limited range of motion, April O’Neil truly is helpless
Girlie is not allowed to speak, only bark
The terrible ordeal of a German slave
By DebrisX
Perry’s test
Sayuki Matsumoto leashed
Sayuki Matsumoto http://bingo-bongo.tumblr.com