Rigging and photo by me by Jesse Flanagan https://jesseflanagan.tumblr.com
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Niki is working hard today. To make sure she doesn’t skip off we chain her up.
Gina tied up to a rock
Gina Lorenz: naked native girl
Ariel Andrews exposed
Slave housemaid
A place were guys can kick back and relax while women serve us beer and take care of the housework
Kitty Heartbreak: very very hot pants
Kitty Heartbreak in Hot pants open, Hands pants, Pants are still hot, Leave it, Very hot pants on & Very very hot pants
Good dog
Gina Lorenz: She’s stripped nude, cuffed and hobbled, and forced to walk barefoot on sharp stones. Having her picture taken like this completes her humiliation.
Gina Lorenz sirrendre.tumblr.com http://rudedares.com